Delaware County District Library

Noumenon infinity, Marina J. Lostetter

Noumenon infinity, Marina J. Lostetter
no index present
Literary Form
Main title
Noumenon infinity
Responsibility statement
Marina J. Lostetter
Generations ago, Convoy Seven and I.C.C. left Earth on a mission that would take them far beyond the solar system. Launched by the Planet United Consortium, a global group formed to pursue cooperative Earth-wide interests in deep space, nine ships headed into the unknown to explore a distant star called LQ Pyx. Eons later, the convoy has returned to LQ Pyx to begin work on the Web, the alien megastructure that covers the star. Is it a Dyson Sphere, designed to power a civilization as everyone believes--or something far more sinister? Meanwhile, Planet United's littlest convoy, long thought to be lost, reemerges in a different sector of deep space. What they discover holds the answers to unlocking the Web's greater purpose. Each convoy possesses a piece of the Web's puzzle . . . but they may not be able to bring those pieces together and uncover the structure's true nature before it's too late
Table Of Contents
Part 1: Resonance -- Part 2: Resurgence
Target audience

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